Strengthening Social Protection among Construction Workers - A Special Initiative

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Why Focus on Construction Workers?


As of 2023, the construction & real estate industry is the second largest employment generating industry in India after agriculture.

Construction industry employs approximately 71 million people, of which 81% are unskilled workers and 19% are skilled workers; accounting for 11% of the GDP.

Despite the growth, the industry faces a grave challenge of workforce; 92.8% of the total work force in 2009-10 constituted of informal workers (NSS0 survey 2009-10).

To address, inhuman working conditions, poor health and safety standards and overall welfare of workers in the real estate industry, the Government of India enacted the Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of employment & Conditions of Service) Act, 1996

  • Under the BoCW Act 1996, it is mandatory for all State Governments to constitute the Welfare Board for building and other construction workers.

    The functions of BOCW includes providing quick help to the workers in case of any mishap or accident, providing pensions, issuing loans for house construction, making payments related to premia for the Group Insurance Scheme, providing financial aid for children's education, supporting workers by carrying their medical expenses in case of a major ailment.

    Each construction worker, who is between the ages of 18-60 years & who has been engaged with any building or other development work for at the very least ninety days during the previous year is qualified for Registration as a recipient of the BOCW Welfare Fund under the BOCW Act registration.

Facts about BoCW Welfare Board

All State Governments must constitute the Welfare Board for Building and Other Construction Workers as per BoCW Act 1996.

The source of Fund for BoCW Board is the Building & Other Construction Workers’ Welfare Cess [BOCWW Cess] levied and collected on the cost of construction incurred by employers, under Section 3 of the Building and Other Construction Workers’ Welfare Cess Act, 1996. This Cess augments the resources of the Building and Other Construction Workers’ Welfare Boards constituted by the Government (Central, State & Union Territory).

As per the Ministry of Labour and Employment estimates for 2020 , there are about 5 crore construction workers in India. As of 2022 Workers registered with BoCW are 3,04,02104.

Maharashtra BoCW board was constituted in 1st May, 2011.

As of 2022, the MaharashtraBOCW board had Rs 11,794 crores of funds, but 73.02% or Rs 8,612.33 crore of it remains unspent due to lack of registration of workers1

According to the 2011 census, there are total of 80 lakh construction workers in Maharashtra

At the end of November 2016, 5.62 lakh construction workers were registered in the Maharashtra BOCW Board as beneficiaries and 2.99 lakh workers registration is valid till date

According to the Maharashtra Economic Survey 2015-16, 1.02 lakh construction establishments exist in the state.

Impact of DISHA FOUNDATION in Last 3 years


Housing - Dream coming true for construction workers

This initiative is focussed on targeted inclusion of construction workers registered in BoCW in Nasik.

On ground situation: PMAY houses were vacant and MHADA was facing challenge to identify the relevant beneficiaries.

Our project has supported MHADA to address this gap. We identified 120 BoCW registered worker in Nasik to avail the benefit of these houses.

  • Out of 120, nearly 65 workers shown their readiness to purchase the house under this scheme – the house cost is Rs 13 Lakhs
  • Subsidy of Rs 2.5 lakhs under PMAY, and 2 lakhs under BoCW., out of it total subsidy is Rs 4.5 lakhs.
  • Workers are willing to pay self-contribution amount between Rs 2-3 lakhs.
  • Remaining shortfall amount of Rs 3-4 Lakhs will be supported through loan

Houses approved for 10 BoCW workers, We will be able to unlock funds of Rs 1,30,00,000 through this initiative (subsidy of Rs 4.5 lakhs per worker including PMAY-2.5 Lakhs and BOCW – 2 lakhs ; 10x4.5 lakhs= 45,00,000)

Impact Stories

Empowering Dreams Through Education: Rupali Chaulbhare’s Journey for a Better Future


Anita Anil Chaulbhare with her daughter and husband

Registration No: MH120940002390

Relation with Worker: Daughter

Claim Type: Education

Scheme Code: E03

  • Scheme Name : Educational assistance of Rs.10,000/- per educational year to the first two children of the registered construction workers
  • Benefit Amount: 10,000/-
  • Type of Degree: B.A

Educational assistance with BoCW: Story of Transforming Lives of Community Workers' Children - Partik and Savita Balaji Bhatlavande


Balaji Pralhad Bhatlavande with his family

Registration No: MH080510010741

Relation with Worker: Son

Claim Type: Education

Scheme Code: E05

  • Benefit Amount: 20,000/-
  • Type of Degree: BBA(CA)

Educational assistance with BoCW: Story of Transforming Lives of Community Workers' Children - Partik and Savita Balaji Bhatlavande


Balaji Pralhad Bhatlavande with his family

Registration No: MH080510010741

Relation with Worker: Daughter

Claim Type: Education

Scheme Code: E03

  • Benefit Amount: 10,000/-
  • Type of Degree:

Empowering Dreams: Namira Firoj Nadaf's Pursuit of Education


Registration No: MH151510223533

Claim Type: Education

Scheme Code: E05

  • Scheme Name : Educational assistance to the wife/husband/ first two children of the registered worker of Rs.1,00,000/- for Medical degree and Rs.60,000/- for Engineering degree.
  • Benefit Amount: 1,00,000/-
  • Type of Degree: Medical - Bachelor of Homeopathic 3rd Year

A Journey of Support and Assistance of BoCW: Sanket Tanaji Patil's Pursuit of Engineering


Anita Anil Chaulbhare with her daughter and husband

Registration No: MH151510053480

Claim Type: Education

Scheme Code: E05

  • Scheme Name : Educational assistance to the wife/husband/ first two children of the registered worker of Rs.1,00,000/- for a Medical degree and Rs.60,000/- for an Engineering degree.
  • Benefit Amount: 60,000/-
  • Type of Degree: Engineering BE - Mech 4th Year


We appeal you to join forces with Disha Foundation to reach the unreached construction workers and their inclusion in BoCW scheme.

  • Disha Foundation is already at the forefront of BOCW registration of workers in Maharashtra and has all the systems and teams in place for the expedited registration of BOCW registration of workers at all your construction sites.

    Disha Foundation can partner with your organization through other CSR support to include construction workers at your sites in BOCW so that your workers are protected socio-economically.

    Knowing that workers are protected provides a boost in their efficiency. Most importantly, by registering your workers with BOCW, Disha Foundation can help you with labour law compliances, while also protecting you during adverse events related to workers.

Our Location

  • Nasik : 0253-2629939
  • Delhi NCR : 0124-4065603
  • Headquarters: 26/27, Saileela Tower, Near Racca Green Square, Hanuman Wadi, Makhmalabad Road, Panchavati, Nashik - 422 003.
  • Delhi(NCR) Office: 3549, Kesar Villa Near HDFC School, Sector 57, Sushant Lok Phase 3 Gurgaon, Haryana, 122 003.
  • Goa Office : House No – 923/22(6), Socorro, Bardez, Goa, 403521.
  • Nagpur Office : Block C Second Floor, "Yashoda Bhavan" House No 2806, Plot no 12B, Nagrik Vikas Gruh Nirman Sahakari Samiti, Harpur Nagar, Bhande Plots, Umred Road, Nagpur 440 009

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