Our Projects
Help today because tomorrow you may be the one who
needs more helping!
Help today because tomorrow you may be the one who
needs more helping!
Disha has developed liaison with government educational Facilities to mainstream migrant children...
Migration for livelihood is a pervasive reality in India today. The bleak livelihood scenario in rain-fed...
Legal empowerment is a fundamental component of Disha’s mission to build knowledge, skills...
Disha Foundation piloted a project that intended to improve overall health of migrants including...
Disha has developed liaison with government educational Facilities to mainstream migrant children...
Skill up gradation, value addition & Capacity Building training Programs arranged to develop .....
The secret to happiness lies in helping others. Never underestimate the difference YOU can make in the lives of the poor, the abused and the helpless.
Watch on youtubeReckon yourself to be a Changemaker
It was a wonderful learning experience for me to serve as an intern for the Disha Foundation. I learned throughout the time that it is vital that we assist those from lower socioeconomic population. It was a closely examining daily issues is a completely different experience than reading about them. Additionally, I need to mention that the NGO is doing fantastic work and has changed the lives of informal sector worker with their initiative of Migration Resource centre.
It was the most valuable learning that I experienced, till makes me proud. Disha Foundation, a non profit NGO which helps the marginalized social groups. Our work were mainly to conduct survey on social economic status of migrants in Siliguri and aware the underpriviledged people about the benefits/work they can avial. I got to know the reality of the world, life is not easy for everybody, they were working so hard to place food on the table yet when we approached them they were always smiling and happy which made me really speechless. I am grateful for this oppoptunity that my university and Disha Foundation gave me to understand the realistic world.
As a beneficiary of this NGO's programs, I can say that they have made a significant impact on my life. Their education and empowerment initiatives have given me the tools and resources to build a better future for myself and my family.
Reckon yourself to be a Changemaker
The secret to happiness lies in helping others. Never underestimate the difference YOU can make in the lives of the poor, the abused and the helpless.
The secret to happiness lies in helping others. Never underestimate the difference YOU can make in the lives of the poor, the abused and the helpless.
The secret to happiness lies in helping others. Never underestimate the difference YOU can make in the lives of the poor, the abused and the helpless.